Steering you in the right direction!

Steering you in the Right Direction
There’s a reason why Alignment Specialists is the first place major manufacturers and tire companies refer their best customers for service and alignments. Our experienced techs perform immediate, efficient alignment services on demand every day. We know that every hour off the road is a significant cost to our customers, so we work hard to get them back on the road and back on the job. Poor alignment is the major source of significant tire wear, which is a tremendous cost to drivers. Proper tire alignment is of the utmost importance for the transportation business. Alignment Specialists uses the most modern equipment and employs experienced techs, which is why we are the Northwest's leader in wheel alignments and from-the-frame-down repairs. Trust your rig or fleet to the best in the business - Alignment Specialists.
Some of our customers who enjoy the benefits of our skilled technicians

Let's get you lined up.
2269 S. Liberty Boise, Idaho 83709
(208) 362-9087